Sunday, 4 August 2013

There is two  methods for unlocking bootloaders of android devices.
1. Test point method
2. Unlock by unlocking key

Some manufactures of android mobile devices  are have been officially  allowed to unlock bootloaders while are some are not.:-(

So android developers are use two methods to unlock above both types of devices.

" Test point method" is use for unlock bootloaders unofficially. Actually in that way we are not really unlocking bootloader. We just only patch it to feel system that it has unlocked.
However this method is also enable you to flash new kernels new roms etc..

" Official method of bootloader unlocking" is done by requesting unloking key your original device manufacture.

Today we are going to discussing about this official method of unlocking of sony xperia devices. Unlocking bootloader let you gain total control of your device over the manufacture.It means after unlocking you can install your custom roms, your custom kernels and aftermarket firmwares also:-)

Unlocking bootloader is cause to completely void manufactures warranty of your device.
Also after unlocking process you device will be automatically totally wipe.( factory reset)
For Xperia™ devices released 2013 or later (for example Xperia™ Z and Xperia™ ZL), the SD card of your device will be formatted and you will lose all content (for example photos, music, videos) when you unlock the boot loader.
So advice you to make full backup of your contacts,messages,applications etc.

1. You should I have windows 7 or higher running pc.

Steps of unlocking:
1.You should confirm that it is possible to unlock the boot loader of your device by checking the service menu.
In your device, open the dialler and enter *#*#7378423#*#* to access the service menu.
If you have a xperia tablet, click here to learn how access the service menu.

In your device, tap
Service info > Configuration > Rooting Status.
If Bootloader unlock allowed says Yes, then you can continue with the next step.:-)

If it says No, or if the status is missing, your device cannot be unlocked because of operator restriction.:-(

2. You should have installed usb drivers of your device to your pc.
( you can easily done that by installing sony update suit for pc and connect your device one time while device is switch on and other time switch off:-P your pc must be connected to Internet while you connect to device )
If you are not already downloaded sony update suit, click here to start download

3. Now you need to download latest version of "Android software development kit (Android SDK)" from google.
To download click here

4. Now you have to find IMEI number of your xperia device.
You can view the IMEI or MEID number by entering *#06# on your device.
If you have a Xperia tablet, click here to learn how to find your IMEI, MEID or IDID number.

5. Now you have to obtain bootloader unlock key from sony.
To obtain a unlocking key,go to here and

click Yes, I’m sure>Tick all cages> Click I Accept.

Then Enter your name, a valid email adress and the first 14 digits of your device’s IMEI or MEID or IDID number (remove the last digit if necessary). Click Submit.

6. Now check your e-mails and collect your bootloader unlock key.

7. Download and unzip this file. You will be find .ini file.
Copy that unzipped .ini file in to the usb_driver folder, located in the
Android SDK > extras > google folder on your computer.( this is android sdk folder that you have downloaded on step 3 )

Accept to replace the old android_winusb.inf-file with the new file.

8.Go to the tools folder within the Android SDK folder and open command window by right clicking while press and hold shift key on the keyboard.

9. Enter the following command line,
"fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version"
and verify that you get a response back (for example "0.3"). This means your device is connected properly.

10.Finally, enter this command line.
fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce oem unlock 0xKEY
where KEY is the unlock boot loader key you got in the beginning of this instruction. The boot loader should now be successfully unlocked.:-):-)


  1. Hi there, I saw your all blog post and all post are amazing. Thanks for providing such great information about unlocking pattern lock. Recently, I have also faced locking problem with my phone but my phone got locked due to changing network carrier. I didn't have any idea about how I unlocking my phone . Then I dial *#06# into the phone and submit the IMEI number to the unlocking company. Using this method, I unlocked my phone within a few seconds.
